Apocalypse Sentai Skyfighter
"I can't let the Apocalypse Empire destroy this world like they did to my own... Skycomputer! Find me five teenagers with fighting spirit!" --Commander Oji
The Death of the Doctor!
Part 1 of 2. Will Dr. Hope manage to complete the Army of Skyfighters project in time?!
Kari and Sam finish class with an excitable, young student teacher--Terry--and leave, chatting to themselves. When the room is empty and the teacher's left, he sits at his desk, and sighing, picks up the phone. On the other end of the line is Dr. Hope, who explains that she's been busy working on a project that could save the world: mass produced Skyfighter transformers! Terry says that he wishes she wouldn't be involved in such dangerous things, but she says it's worth it. Eventually they say goodbye, revealing that Terry is, in fact, the son of Dr. Hope.
Meanwhile, Princess Apocalie is roughing up a group of scientists; she's heard rumours of the Army of Skyfighters project, and demands to know how she can find the group responsible. At first none of them talk, but soon enough she's able to force some information out of one. She grins, contacting Kime-Ra to tell him what her plan is. Meanwhile, the Skyfighters are talking to Dr. Hope, who has announced that while she's still at least a week away from mass producing her transformer prototype, she's found a way to give the Skyfighters the enhanced armour that it will have. Sam is dismissive of the idea, but Davis insists that any edge they can get would be extremely helpful, and they agree to head down.
On the way, however, one of Kime-Ra's monsters attacks! They fight, taking on a larger army of Fangwings than usual, but not particularly having much trouble. When they defeat him, Errol taunts him about how easily he was defeated, but the monster just laughs, asking how Dr. Hope is doing. They all look horrified, and hurry back on the way to their original destination.
At the reseach facility, Dr. Hope is still busy at work. One of the scientists asks her for some information, asking her how she manages to cope with the entire project being so dependant on her knowledge. She just shrugs, and gets back to work on preparing the armour upgrades. She's interrupted by the sounds of screaming, followed by a familiar shrieking laugh: it's Princess Apocalie! Terrified, she grabs the prototype transformer, activating its disguise mode and slipping it into her pocket, and is about to call the Skyfighters on the radio when Apocalie bursts in, demanding to know where the prototype is.

Dr. Hope's last sacrifice.
Dr. Hope: "Just imagine-- a whole army of Skyfighters! The five are good kids, but... they're barely managing to hold even, and things are only going to get worse. But we could end the war with this!"
Terry: "I just wish you'd let someone else do it. You could get hurt."
Dr. Hope: "Easy, the project's a secret. Nothing's going to happen to me. And even if it wasn't... come on, Terry. Look at those kids you're teaching and tell me that it's not worth taking risks in order to secure them a future where they won't live in fear."
[ Long pause. ]
Terry: "I know, mom... I know. I just want you to be safe."
Errol: "Really, that's the best we get now? I don't want to be Sam about it, but that was an awfully sad fight, don't you think?"
Goldeath: "You have no idea! I kept you busy long enough, didn't I?"
Sam: "What do you mean, you don't want to be Sam about it?!"
Davis: "You'll have to do better than keeping us busy to defeat us, I'm afraid. You're going down!"
Goldeath: "Do I really, Skyfighters? It's 10 PM: do you know where Dr. Hope is?"
[ All five look at each other, horrified. ]
Apocalie: "Hello, Skyfighters! You've arrived just in time! What do you think of the new look? Be honest, now, I know it's pretty bold, but I hear it's all in fashion these days... what did she call it? Oh, right: Skyfighter Armour Up! I think it looks beautiful on me, wouldn't you say?"
Davis: "How did you find this place?"
Kari: "Never mind that... even with the armour, we won't let you stop the project!"
All Skyfighters: "Right!"
Apocalie: [ Shrill laughter. ] "You won't? I'm sorry for you, dear Skyfighters, but I already have! So please, tell me, and be honest now, do you think these work with the new armour?"
[ Apocalie puts on Dr. Hope's distinctive glasses, modelling them. ]
Apocalie: "Really, what do you think? How do they look? Oh... I guess it doesn't work? Oh well! [ Throws the glasses aside, crushing them underfoot. ] Still, it was awfully nice of her to give them to me after agreeing to stop the project, wouldn't you say?"
Kari: "H-how did you get those?"
Sam: "I don't know what you've done, but you'll never get away with this!"
Errol: "She'd sooner die than agree with sto-- [ Realizing. ] Oh no."
Apocalie: "Oh yes! I'm stronger than ever, the project's been put on permanent hold... face the facts, Skyfighters: Hope is dead!"
- Dr. Hope sure works quickly; she only revealed the existence of the project in the last episode, and already she has a prototype finished?
- Outside of this story, the camouflage ability of the transformer is never seen again.
- If Kari and Sam go to the same school, then why do they have differently coloured uniforms? That's not what "uniform" means.
This Apocalypse Sentai Skyfighter (黙示戦隊スカイファイター) fansite is © 2010 Christine Love, with translations thanks to Ai Kurisu. No infringement on Tofiru Entertainment, Ltd.'s rights intended.