Apocalypse Sentai Skyfighter
"I can't let the Apocalypse Empire destroy this world like they did to my own... Skycomputer! Find me five teenagers with fighting spirit!" --Commander Oji

"I always have a plan! I just, uh, don't know what it is yet. But it'll be fine!"
Full name: Errol Powers (エロール・パワース)
Designation: Skyfighter Green
Age: 18
Blood Type: B
Mecha: Super Blitz Defender, Sky Copter
Played by: Hideaki Mimura
A spaz and an airhead with seemingly no aptitude for either fighting or foresight, Errol is the wild card of the Skyfighters, somehow always managing to pull through when everyone else has completely forgotten about him. He has a sense of humour about all things and never has a straight face; he is, in fact, constantly wracked with fear and insecurity, but refuses to ever let it show.
At first, he constantly clashed with Sam, but it quickly turned into playful banter, developing a platonic, but extremely close relationship. The two are much more alike than he would ever care to admit, his refusal to stand still and talent for planning off the seat of his pants acting as an excellent complement to Sam's headstrong brashness. When forced to, he'll fall into line with Davis's orders, though, and has nothing but respect for his other team-mates.
In an alternate future, Errol ends up being the only Skyfighter to survive, and has come through many times to unexpectedly save the Skyfighters from peril. His talent at coping with any situation is matched only by his ability to ramble, and while he's often overlooked as a member of the team, he's saved them from certain doom more than anyone else.
The unpredictable wild card of the Skyfighters, Errol manages to surprise the team again and again with his powerful talent of taking advantage of his greatest fears.
This Apocalypse Sentai Skyfighter (黙示戦隊スカイファイター) fansite is © 2010 Christine Love, with translations thanks to Ai Kurisu. No infringement on Tofiru Entertainment, Ltd.'s rights intended.