Apocalypse Sentai Skyfighter
"I can't let the Apocalypse Empire destroy this world like they did to my own... Skycomputer! Find me five teenagers with fighting spirit!" --Commander Oji
The Return of Hope!
Part 2 of 2. With Dr. Hope dead, do the Skyfighters have any chance of defeating the newly powered up Princess Apocalie?!
Apocalie taunts the Skyfighters, telling them that she's killed Hope; Sam is unable to restrain herself an attacks, the rest immediately joining in. But she simply brushes off all their attacks, no matter how well co-ordinated they strike, and manages to beat all five. Defeated, she allows them to flee, laughing about how easily they went down. They regroup back at their base, Sam vocally protesting their choice to retreat; tensions flare, but Davis insists that they need a plan to take her down.
Meanwhile, Terry finds out on the news that there was an explosion at a lab. Recognizing it as where his mother was working, he calls her; when she doesn't pick up her phone, he hurries down to see for himself. He becomes increasingly horrified as he makes his way through the rubble. When he reaches her office door, kicked in, he pauses, composing himself for what he realizes is inevitable; still, he cries out when he sees Dr. Hope lying dead on the ground. He stares in disbelief, eyes watering. The sound of explosions outside brings him back to reality, realizing that he shouldn't stick around. While covering up her body with his jacket, he notices the pocket watch lying underneath her; commenting to himself that his mother hated analogue watches, he wonders why she would have one, and takes it as he leaves.
Back at base, the Skyfighters still don't have any plans, but when they find out that Apocalie is attacking a school near the lab, even Davis is reluctantly forced to agree that they have no choice but to respond immediately, even though she's obviously just trying to provoke them. They hurry down and start to fight; sure enough, it's a losing battle. Meanwhile, Terry is about to get on his motorcycle when he idly opens the pocketwatch; to his shock, it turns into a Skyfighter transformer! Suddenly, he's overwhelmed by flashbacks of his mother: her meeting the Skyfighters, the nights she spent working on its creation, and finally her death at the hands of Apocalie. Terry's expression turns from morbid to angry.
The fight continues to go poorly for the Skyfighters, as Apocalie keeps them at a disadvantage, the street surrounding on fire.

Hope has arrived!
After the fight, he introduces himself, and offers the prototype back. Davis doesn't let him, though, saying that with the Army of Skyfighters project in ruins, they could use all the help they can get. When he tells him that it's what his mother would have wanted, Terry realizes that he's right, and agrees. The team gives him a warm welcome as they induce their newest member... Skyfighter White!
Apocalie: "How did you get that?! I destroyed the lab, I killed Hope!"
Terry: "There's one thing you didn't count on... Hope always perseveres!"
Davis: "Terry... what would your mother want you to do with it?"
Terry: "I guess you're right. She'd want me to fight, of course. She'd want me to help save the world. Alright, I accept."
Alex: "Besides, the team could always use a bit more hope."
Davis: "Welcome to the team, Skyfighter White!"
- I hope you like that pun, because you're going to be seeing it a lot more. Ugh.
- Unsurprisingly, the team manages to pick up a sixth member.
- Terry's powers are portrayed extremely inconsistently. Sometime he's as strong as he was in this episode, but other times he'll go down just as quickly as the others.
This Apocalypse Sentai Skyfighter (黙示戦隊スカイファイター) fansite is © 2010 Christine Love, with translations thanks to Ai Kurisu. No infringement on Tofiru Entertainment, Ltd.'s rights intended.