Apocalypse Sentai Skyfighter
"I can't let the Apocalypse Empire destroy this world like they did to my own... Skycomputer! Find me five teenagers with fighting spirit!" --Commander Oji
Artificial Light
The Skyfighters find themselves in a hopeless situation when Kari remains crippled by depression!
Davis, Errol, Sam and Terry are all discussing their current situation grimly, expressing concern that with Alex dead and Oji in a coma, they're going to have a hard time keeping up. Just then, a news report of a monster attack comes in. They get ready to immediately move out to stop it; the camera pans out to reveal that Kari has been sitting in the corner the whole time, catatonic. She doesn't respond to the call to action, and they ultimately have to leave without her.
When they arrive on scene, they find the monster Mortis rampaging; he is, of course, shielded. They try to break it, but without the power of five Skyfighters, it's not nearly enough. As a result, their efforts are useless, with even Sam not managing to do any damage to the monster. Leaving them defeated, Mortis just laughs and walks away, the Skyfighters too weak to chase after him. Eventually, all injured, they limp back into base, with Kari where they'd left her; meanwhile, the news is still broadcasting word of their failure.
Errol, Sam, and Terry in turn all try to talk Kari into some sense, but all get the same response: barely anything. Davis is about to try, but then stops, walking off. Eventually Kari stumbles off, crying herself to sleep, while Davis visits the still comatose Oji, wondering what he would have done. The next day, Mortis attacks again, this time going for their high school; before they go, Davis talks to Kari, telling her that he found a message from Alex meant for her in Skycomputer. She doesn't respond at all. Resigned, they head out, knowing that the situation is hopeless, and start to lose once more. Meanwhile, Kari eventually heads to see Skycomputer.
When she asks for the message, the holographic image of Alex appears before her, and she starts to cry again; he explains that he recorded the message in case anything happened to him, telling her that the most important thing she do is keep fighting. His speech brings her back to her senses, and realizing she's let the other Skyfighters down, she hurries to the rescue.

The real message writer.
Back at base, Kari explains to the other Skyfighters what made her realize she had to keep going. Terry notes that it's a good thing Alex was prepared; Kari sighs, and says that's exactly like him. Davis looks incredibly uncomfortable, and just says "Yeah, it is." The view switches to Skycomputer's security footage from the day before, showing Davis walking in... and recording a message!
Holographic Alex: "If you're seeing this message... then it means something's happened to me."
Kari: [ Crying. ] "Oh, Alex..."
Holographic Alex: "Kari, my beloved, please; don't cry for me. If I'm not here for you now, then I've let you down, and I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. But you have to be strong, now more than ever. I've never had as much faith in anyone as I have in you, and I know you won't let me down... won't let them down... won't let the Earth down. This must be the darkest hour of your life, but if there's one thing I know, I absolutely know you can do, it's being the light for everyone. So please, for the sake of my memory, for the sake of the Earth; keep fighting. Keep fighting no matter what. I hope you never have to see this, that I'll always be able to be there for you, but if you do and I'm not, please, Kari. Please promise me one thing..."
Kari: [ Whispering. ] "I will. All the way."
Holographic Alex: "...please, beloved, promise me you'll give them your all."
Mortis: "Looks like it's lights out for you, Skyfighters!"
[ Kari appears over the horizon. ]
Kari: "There will always be a light!"
Terry: "It sure is a good thing he left one last message for you."
Kari: "Well, he always thought of everything. That's... that's what kind of man he was. It's exactly the sort of thing he would do."
Davis: [ Reluctantly. ] "Yeah... it is."
Davis: "Skycomputer... begin recording. [ Pause. ] If you're seeing this message... then it means something's happened to me. Kari, my beloved, please; don't cry for me. If I'm not here for you now, then I've let you down..."
- Much of this episode's dialogue hinges on recognizing a pun: in Japanese, Kari's name is short for "Hikari," meaning "light."
- This marks the start of a downward spiral into compromise for Davis, which will later take its toll.
This Apocalypse Sentai Skyfighter (黙示戦隊スカイファイター) fansite is © 2010 Christine Love, with translations thanks to Ai Kurisu. No infringement on Tofiru Entertainment, Ltd.'s rights intended.