Apocalypse Sentai Skyfighter
"I can't let the Apocalypse Empire destroy this world like they did to my own... Skycomputer! Find me five teenagers with fighting spirit!" --Commander Oji
Blast from the Past!
When someone from Oji's past incapacitates all the other Skyfighters, Davis has to face the toughest fight of his life!
In a barren urban wasteland, Kime-Ra stares down five figures. The leader steps forward to announce his impending defeat... Skyfighter Maroon! It's actually Counter-Earth, twenty years ago, and standing alongside him is Skyfighter Black, Skyfighter Azure, Skyfighter Yellow, and Skyfighter Purple.

The old team!
Back at the Skyfighter base, Davis has taken up Oji's job of overviewing the regular briefing. He ends by explaining there's an anomalous reading in a nearby neighbourhood, which he volunteers to investigate on his own; the others should focus on getting the Super Blitz Defender back in working order, after the damage it recently took. He transforms, and everyone else is about to leave, when suddenly, someone comes crashing through the ceiling! An angry looking older woman stands up, holding out her hand; with a bright flash of light, the other four get knocked out, with only Skyfighter Red left standing! At first she confuses him for Oji, but when she realizes he's not, and doesn't recognize her, she transforms into Skyfighter Purple.
Demanding to know where Oji is, she fights him. Confused, Red tries to leave the battle outside, clashing in the street. Red wonders how she found the base; she reveals that as a Skyfighter, she can always track where Skycomputer is. They continue to fight, her staying on the relentless offensive. She explains in a flashback that after their fatal encounter with Lord and Lady Apocalypse, that killed the team and left Oji crippled, her dead body was taken away by Kime-Ra, who spent years trying to bring her back to life. Now disillusioned with her days as a superhero, she wants revenge on Oji for leading her to her death!
They continue to clash, darting about in the air, windows breaking as they trade punches. Purple seems to be getting progressively weaker; she realizes that her revival must not have been perfect. She tries to escape, but Red cuts her off, now going on the offensive. She tries to convince him that she'll die if he doesn't let her go, but Red can't let her leave, not when she could reveal their location and get the drop on them again. He finally manages to run her through; she dies, cursing both him and Oji. Davis returns to base to find everyone regaining consciousness, uncertain of how to explain what happened.
Junko: "Maybe this should jog your memory... [ Using transformer. ] Take it to the sky! Skyfighter Purple, go!"
Purple: "He gave us the most dangerous thing of all... a naive sense of purpose! I died for that! He killed me! He pretended to care about us, he pretended to love me... but would he have gotten us all killed if that were really true?!"
Red: "What is wrong with you?!"
Purple: "If you don't let me go back, it'll kill me!"
Red: "That's a risk... [ Dodging. ] That's a risk you should have thought of before."
Purple: "You'd really let me die? Do you think Oji would approve of that?"
Red: "No..."
Purple: "Ha!"
[ Red charges at her again, both passing by each other. Purple looks shocked as she realizes she's been run right through. ]
Red: "...he'd never be able to. And you'd take advantage of him for that. That's why I can't let you get away."
Kari: "Who was that?"
Davis: "It was... someone who thought she knew who I was. She was mistaken." [ Final words. ]
- The choreography for that fight is absolutely amazing, a stray visible wire or two excepted. They really live up to their name of "Skyfighter."
- Purple is an extremely unconventional colour for a team hero, never used before in any other show.
This Apocalypse Sentai Skyfighter (黙示戦隊スカイファイター) fansite is © 2010 Christine Love, with translations thanks to Ai Kurisu. No infringement on Tofiru Entertainment, Ltd.'s rights intended.