Apocalypse Sentai Skyfighter
"I can't let the Apocalypse Empire destroy this world like they did to my own... Skycomputer! Find me five teenagers with fighting spirit!" --Commander Oji
White Wedding
Part 2 of 2. With Terry kidnapped, the Skyfighters are forced to mount a rescue with just the four of them. But does Oji have something up his sleeve?
As Apocalie's "invitation" to her wedding with Terry taunts them, the Skyfighters realize that they need a plan to rescue him immediately; after all, without five Skyfighters, they can't use the Shieldbreaker. Sam and Errol want to simply rush in and use force, which Davis isn't keen on. After a heated argument, they both run off to take matters into their own hands. As Davis and Kari are left wondering what to do, Oji appears, and tells them to go catch up; he has a plan of his own, they just need to buy some time.
Oji manages to sneak into the now ruined science facility, and wastes no time powering up the gateway to Counter-Earth. The streets abandoned and full of destruction, he starts to wheel himself through the rubble. Meanwhile, in a giant courtyard, the Skyfighters have crashed the wedding reception. Apocalie is wearing an elaborate tentacled dress, and Terry has a suit styled after his costume, bound in chains; he tries to escape, but doesn't get very far. Sam rushes at Apocalie, only to be stopped once more by Destructo; the Skyfighters know this is going to be a losing fight.
Meanwhile, on Counter-Earth, Oji has found what he was looking for. Talking to a figure offscreen, he asks if they're willing to risk their life to help him, and gets exactly the answer he was looking for.

"Something old, something new, something borrowed..."
Just before he can do that, however, he's interrupted by Oji wheeling in, the light obscuring the figure behind him. Apocalie greets him, sarcastically telling him that she's glad he came. Oji moves aside, announcing his guest, and everyone is shocked as the shadowy figure steps into the light: it's Skyfighter Blue!
As the familiar Skyfighter leaps into action, Oji explains that he was able to find a nearly perfect genetic match on Counter-Earth. With the help of Blue, they manage to break his shield. Davis is impressed, and when Destructo grows, they make short work of him in the Blitz Defender. They're all relieved to have it back in its normal configuration. Apocalie shrieks, shocked and furious at how close she was to defeating them for good, running away. They help free Terry, and then when they all change back, they're shocked to discover that the new Skyfighter Blue is actually Alex's counterpart from Counter-Earth... Alexandra!
Kari: "We could get killed if we go..."
Errol: "Think about what'll happen to Terry if we don't."
Kari: "You... do you think she'll kill him?"
Errol: "Worse: I think she'll marry him."
Davis: "Where are you going?! Do you even have a plan?"
Errol: "Well, you know how at weddings they always say 'If you have any objections say them now or forever hold your piece'? I was thinking we go down there, and raise an objection."
Sam: "I'll show them a couple of objections."
Davis: "That's your plan? That's it?"
Errol: "No, no, it's okay. When she says objections, she really means her fists."
Davis: "Thank you, I got that part!"
Oji: "Now, listen... I know I'm asking a lot. But if you're the same person I think you are, I know you can do this."
Shadowy figure: "If it means I can save them, I promise I'll give it my all."
Oji: "That's what I was hoping you'd say."
Apocalie: "Ah, Oji... I'm so glad you could finally make it! Just in time to see both the defeat of your Skyfighters and my wedding!"
Oji: "Sorry, I had to go pick up a guest. It took some time to get ready. Don't you know what you're supposed to wear to a wedding for good luck?"
Apocalie: "Ha! And what's that?"
Oji: "Don't you know the rhyme? Something old, something new, something borrowed..."
[ Oji stands aside, revealing a silhouette. Shocked reactions all around. ]
Skyfighter Blue: [ Stepping into the light. ] "Something blue!"
Oji: "I'd like you to meet his counterpart from Counter-Earth. A near perfect genetic match, and the new Skyfighter Blue."
Alex: "It's an honour. We've just met, but I can already tell... if we work together, we can definitely save your world."
Kari: [ Aside. ] "He... looks just like him..."
Terry: [ Aside. ] "He talks just like him, too."
Davis: [ Aside. ] "He's a little rough, but he has the same fighting style that he did."
Sam: [ Aside. ] "Is nobody going to say it? Isn't it obvious?"
Errol: [ Aside. ] "Say what?"
Sam: [ Aside. ] "He's a GIRL!"
[ Casually, Alex takes off 'his' jacket. Shocked, they realize Sam's right. ]
Alex: "Well, are you going to introduce yourselves? It's an honour to meet you all... my name's Alexandra Hoshikawa."
- This is the first appearance of Alexandra, the second Skyfighter Blue. She, in fact, has the same actress that the original had, explaining why Alexander was cast to a woman in the first place.
- Oji's announcement is obviously very different in Japanese. Since the translators felt that the reference would be lost on the audience, they changed it to the more familiar wedding rhyme, albeit slightly nonsensically, since Blue is obviously not the bride.
- Knowing Terry, it seems unlikely that it would be appropriate for him to wear white at his wedding!
- Hidden among the Fangwings at the wedding reception is a cameo in costume by the famed Eriko Yamazaki, reportedly a huge fan.
- Unlike Davis, Oji sure wastes no time as a leader; he replaced Blue nearly immediately after waking up!
This Apocalypse Sentai Skyfighter (黙示戦隊スカイファイター) fansite is © 2010 Christine Love, with translations thanks to Ai Kurisu. No infringement on Tofiru Entertainment, Ltd.'s rights intended.