Apocalypse Sentai Skyfighter
"I can't let the Apocalypse Empire destroy this world like they did to my own... Skycomputer! Find me five teenagers with fighting spirit!" --Commander Oji
15 Years of Hell
Part 1 of 2. When Davis seemingly dies, the Skyfighters are forced to fight unsurmountable odds!
A fight is underway with a new monster who calls himself Time Lord, armed with a terrifying weapon: a wand that shoots beams which seem to disintegrate anything in their path. They struggle to actually get close enough to fight him while dodging blasts. Eventually, they become more successful, and the battle seems won, the Skyfighters managing to break his shield. In one last act of desperation, he takes aim at a nearby crashed schoolbus; Red hurries into action and shoulder checks it, slamming it out of the way, but is caught in the blast himself. Blue snatches the wand from Time Lord, and the next blow knocks him out; but it's too late. The Skyfighters look on in horror, realizing that Davis is dead.

A conspicuous absence.
One year later: the Blitz Defender is fighting a normal-sized Kime-Ra, causing lots of collateral damage as it completely fails to hit. He laughs at how pathetic the Skyfighters have become since losing their ability to break shields. Elsewhere, White is surrounding by Fangwings. He calls in on his radio that he could use help. Sam angrily turns off the radio inside the Blitz Defender, and after some more mocking from Kime-Ra, they finally manage to land a lucky blow, kicking him into a building. He falls, defeated, but they see the devastation left behind them: half the neighbourhood has been destroyed.
Five years later: White, Orange and Green are all haunted by Fear Sensei. Oji tries desperately to get ahold of them by radio, but can't get through. He turns to Alex and Kari, and sadly tells them that they're on their own; he'll keep trying to get through to the others, but he's not hopeful. The Blitz Defender stumbles out into a sky as dark as night, the gate glowing a hideous red. It moves stiffly, nearly tripping and stumbling. When it arrives at a building near the gate, it smashes through it, revealing Apocalie herself. Alex calls for backup from Oji, who reluctantly agrees, taking the Silver Eagle. Apocalie attacks them, easily winning the fight, until they manage to grab her in the Defender's fist. Lightning shoots from her hands, and she shrieks that if they don't let go, she'll cause an overload. Alex realizes that she's right, and is about to release her, when Kari reminds her that the fate of the world rides on this. The Silver Eagle is still a long way away. The overload is about to reach critical; Kari turns to Alex, and is about to say something, but doesn't manage to get it out before the Blitz Defender explodes violently, visible from the other side of town. Oji is horrified.
Fifteen years later: Skyfighter Green is running through the streets, trying to evade a chasing army of Fangwings. He dodges around a corner, and detransforms; revealing a far more grizzled looking Errol, with frayed clothes and a beard. He leaves through an alley, finding himself in the middle of the street where they fought Time Lord. Suddenly, rubble starts to materialize in midair, part of a damaged building reappearing. He wonders out loud what could possibly be going on, interrupting mid-thought when a figure appears in the middle of the street... Skyfighter Red!
Kime-Ra: "What's the matter, Skyfighters? Why don't you pick on someone your own size? Ha ha!"
Kari: "You can't... there's too much at stake here. You saw what happened to your world... if we let her go, the same will happen here."
Alex: "You're right."
Apocalie: "If you don't let go, we'll all be killed! Are you really willing to go that far?"
Kari: "I don't want to die, but... is there really any other way?"
Alex: "The others will pull through. I'm sure of it."
[ Pause. The overload meter has almost hit full. ]
Kari: "Alex, there's something I need to tell you. I'm in lo--"
[ Super Blitz Defender explodes, leaving Kari's sentence forever unfinished. ]
- This was one of the most budget intensive episodes of the show. And probably the reason why some of the earlier ones feature little or no transformations.
- The long shots of the Blitz Defender holding Apocalie don't really work very well, since it's extremely obvious that it's just holding a limp model.
This Apocalypse Sentai Skyfighter (黙示戦隊スカイファイター) fansite is © 2010 Christine Love, with translations thanks to Ai Kurisu. No infringement on Tofiru Entertainment, Ltd.'s rights intended.