Apocalypse Sentai Skyfighter
"I can't let the Apocalypse Empire destroy this world like they did to my own... Skycomputer! Find me five teenagers with fighting spirit!" --Commander Oji
The Greatest Skyfighter
Part 2 of 2. Davis finds himself flung into a future where the Apocalypse Empire destroyed the world!
Errol is shocked to see Davis suddenly reappear from the dead; Davis seems equally shocked at the sight of the world in ruins. Errol quickly gets Davis to detransform, saying that it's not safe if he's seen. It's too late, however; an army of Fangwings has already found them. They fight them, but Kime-Ra shows up, seeming just as shocked to see Skyfighter Red alive! Red suggests they wait for the others, since they can't break his shield; but just as he says this, Green charges him and manages to singlehandedly do exactly that. Kime-Ra defeated, the Fangwings scatter, and the two escape in the confusion.
Detransforming in an alley, they finally have a chance to talk. Errol explains that they thought he had died 15 years ago; they reason out that he wasn't killed, simply sent into the future. Without him, they weren't able to stop Lord Apocalypse from taking over the world, Errol explains, but he's been causing as much trouble as possible since. Davis asks what the others are doing; Errol sadly explains that he's the only one left. But he has an idea: if they can recover Time Lord's weapon, they might find a way to send him back and prevent this future from happening. Davis agrees, but wants to know what happened.
Errol goes looking for a car, while he explains how Alex and Kari died trying to stop Lord Apocalypse from being summoned. Finding one that still works, he hotwires it, to Davis's surprise and objection; Errol just tells him that it hardly matters now. On the way, he makes a stop at what used to be a church. When Davis finds out that their sacrifice was for nothing, he seems distraught, but Errol just nods sadly and knocks on the door. After a moment, a man in tatters appears; Errol hands him his backpack. When Davis asks what's in it, he shows him: canned food. He explains that with the way rationing is, that backpack might as well be full of gold; the resistance desperately needs it. They then get back in the car and head to the base, with Errol warning him that things have changed.
The base is in a state of utter ruin. Davis demands to know what happened. Flashback to seven years ago: the base is overrun with Fangwings. Errol is in Sky Copter, with Sam on the radio, telling him what happened. Asking how they could've found out, she says she doesn't know, but they'll try to hold out until him and Terry get back. An alarm sounds, announcing a breach in the Skycomputer room. She fights her way in, only to see a bomb planted at the base of the computer, with only 10 seconds left. She says goodbye to Errol on the radio, the base exploding before he can ask anything. Back in the present, Davis asks how they found it. Errol doesn't answer as they enter.
They find the weapon, and Errol starts trying to figure out how to reverse. Davis asks how they knew where the base was and what happened to Terry; reluctantly, Errol tells him that it was an inside job, but begs him not to hold it against Terry. Stunned, he tells him to try sending him back. It works, Davis reappearing immediately after he had vanished. Blue still manages to grab the weapon, and he's knocked out, just like before. Back at base, Davis is reluctant to explain what happened. He takes Errol aside, trying to explain; starting to cry, all he manages to do is apologize to him.
Kime-Ra: "Well, well, look at that... it's the greatest Skyfighter, back from the dead!"
Davis: "We should wait for the others, we can't use the shieldbreaker without--"
Errol: [ Charges Kime-Ra, ignoring Davis. ] "Skyfighter power, on! Shieldbreak!"
Davis: "How did you do that on your own?"
Errol: [ Knocks Kime-Ra out. ] "Oh, you know, a little bit of tinkering, years of practice, a bit of zen meditation on the side-- never mind that, let's get out of here before more of his friends show up!"
Errol: "You were the greatest, the leader, the guy who knew what to do. We fell apart without you."
Davis: "Well... [ Awkwardly. ] I'm sure the others will be glad to hear I'm alive, at least."
Errol: "No... not really. I mean, they would. But it's just me now."
Davis: "Just you? Everyone...?"
Errol: "It's been hell, Davis. I even considered quitting five years back. I didn't, of course, you gotta keep up the good fight, right? I've actually been making some progress, I almost had a whole neighbourhood liberated once a year ago, and I've been making some progress with Hope's old research. But... yeah. It's just me. It's been just me for a while now. I'm sorry."
Errol: "What's going on, Sam? What do you see?"
Sam: "It's... oh, hell. Ten seconds. Hey, Errol? It was a good one. Take care of yourself."
Errol: "What do you mea--" [ Interrupted by the base exploding. ]
Davis: "How did they know where it was?"
Errol: "Listen... it's, well, better if you don't know."
Davis: "Dammit, don't keep me in the dark! Tell me!" [ Slams his fist. ]
Errol: "Don't hold it against him, okay? You can't, especially not if this works. You have to promise me that, do you understand?"
Davis: "Okay."
Errol: "It was an inside job. Terry. He's... he's not around anymore, unrelated reasons. But don't hold it against him."
Davis: "Terry betrayed us?! If I get back, he can't be allo--"
Errol: [ Raising his tone, uncharacteristically commanding. ] "Don't you dare, don't you even dare. You promised. You can't. You don't know what he went through, he went through eight years of hell, he had his reasons. I lost my best friend then, I lost Sam, do you understand? Look at me, do you understand?!"
[ Davis is silent, but looks uncomfortable. ]
Errol: "You don't know what it was like. You might've been the greatest Skyfighter, and we might've fallen apart without you, but don't you dare come here and claim you understand what he went through. If I can forgive him, then you, you don't have the right to judge!"
Davis: "I'm... sorry."
Errol: [ Softly and sincerely. ] "Please. Promise you won't hold it against him. Don't tell anyone, not ever."
Davis: "...okay. I promise, Errol."
Davis: [ Crying. ] "I'm sorry, I had no idea. I've never had a lot of faith in you, but... I had no idea."
Errol: "Is this about what happened during that fight? Where you disappeared to?"
Davis: "I saw the future, briefly. I saw you survive fifteen years of hell... I didn't know, Errol, I'm so sorry. I didn't know."

The greatest Skyfighter.
Davis: "Out of all of us... you're without question, the greatest Skyfighter."
- Errol is finally revealed to be incredibly badass. Maybe his strength really just lies in the beard.
- The scene where he brings food to the resistance parallels the first appearance of Oji.
- Seriously, that beard is amazing.
This Apocalypse Sentai Skyfighter (黙示戦隊スカイファイター) fansite is © 2010 Christine Love, with translations thanks to Ai Kurisu. No infringement on Tofiru Entertainment, Ltd.'s rights intended.