Apocalypse Sentai Skyfighter
"I can't let the Apocalypse Empire destroy this world like they did to my own... Skycomputer! Find me five teenagers with fighting spirit!" --Commander Oji
The Love of a Girl
Continued from last episode. How far will Kari go to rescue Alex from the spell of Fear Sensei?
Hours later, Alex is still comatose in bed. Kari watches her sadly. Unable to stand feeling powerless, she enters the planning room, to find that only Sam and Oji are present; the others apparently out on a mission, Sam left behind to keep watch. Kari asks to speak to Sam alone, and she ends up admitting that she's thinking of doing something stupid, for Alex's sake, and needs advice. She doesn't want to lose Blue again, and realizes she knows what she has to do. She pulls the Dream Machine out of storage, starting to set it up in Alex's room, in order to get into Alex's head and beat Fear Sensei. Oji tries to stop her, but Sam tells him not to waste his time. She says she's coming along to help Kari, for her own sake.
Inside Alex's mind, Sam and Kari are faced with a horde of the toughest monsters they've faced yet. Meanwhile in the real world, Apocalie is in the midst of performing some sort of ritual in front of the gate. She curses that Fear Sensei isn't here to finish what he started. Sam and Kari end up ignoring the monsters and hurry onwards, until confronted by the image of Alex, a quivering wreck, being beaten up by Skyfighter Blue. Kari hurries forward, but is stopped by Fear Sensei appearing in front of her. He laughs, using his attack on both of them; Sam finds herself haunted by her fears, but Sensei looks worried when it has no effect on Kari. Realizing why, he flees.

Alex fights her insecurities... literally!
She hurries out, telling them that she has all of Fear's memories, and that Apocalie is summoning the forces that destroyed the original Skyfighters on Counter-Earth: Lord and Lady Apocalypse! By sunrise, the ritual will be complete. Oji is shocked, not expecting this so soon, saying that means if they don't stop Apocalie once and for all within the next few hours... the Earth is doomed!
Sam: "You can't stop her. Nothing anybody does can get in her way now... can't you see why?"
Oji: "What do you mean?"
Sam: "It's the one thing she won't admit. Isn't it obvious what I mean?"
Oji: "...I suppose it is."
Fear Sensei: "You may have been able to defeat me in the real world... but this is now my domain! Don't you understand? I have absolute control-- absolute! Now, face your deepest fears!"
[ Sam becomes haunted by images, but Kari is unaffected. ]
Fear Sensei: "What? How can this be?"
Kari: "Look into my heart. See for yourself what I'm afraid of."
Fear Sensei: [ Looking. ] "You're... oh no. Oh no! I've made a terrible mistake...."
[ Fear Sensei runs away. ]
Kari: "Alex, no... you don't have to fight with his memory. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry... I made you feel that way, and it wasn't fair. Please forgive me. [ Crying. ] I was terrible to you, but please, please come back! Alex, I... I... I do accept you. That's not what I meant to say. Alex, please, I can't lose... I can't lose the person I love twice. I'm in love with you, Alex. Please don't go."
[ Alex slowly comes to, the image of Skyfighter Blue walking into her, fading away. ] Alex: "How dare you do this to me... to her?! Get out of my head, Fear!"
Sam: "I'll leave you two alone." [ Leaves. ]
Alex: "Kari, what happened? I had the strangest dream..."
Kari: "It... um... [ Blushing. ] It wasn't a dream."
Alex: "Then you really..."
[ Kari nods, looking away, very nervous. ]
Kari: "I don't expect you to feel the same way... but I don't want you to feel like you have anything to prove. I'm so sorry you did."
Alex: "I... wasn't expecting that. I--"
[ Suddenly, Alex's expressions change, from smiling to confused to horrified. ]
Alex: "I just remembered something. Something I saw. Kari, I promise you, I promise with all my heart, we will talk about this after and make everything right... but right now I have to go talk to Oji. Can you please wait for me?"
[ Kari just nods. ]
Alex: "Commander Oji... when Fear was in my head, he inadvertantly shared his most recent memories with me. I've got bad news. Very bad news. Do you remember what it was that ended the resistance on our world?"
Oji: "Do you think I could ever forget? That day will haunt me 'til the end. None of us had a chance against those two; I barely escaped with my life. In one fell swoop, everything we lost... gone."
Alex: "As we speak, Apocalie is performing a summoning ritual. We have until sunrise."
Oji: "What? You don't mean... you can't. It's too soon... we're not prepared! If we don't stop her in the next few hours... this world... is doomed."
Errol: "Doomed? Too soon for what? What's she doing?"
Alex: "The summoning of the destroyers of my Earth, and the old Skyfighters... Lord and Lady Apocalypse themselves!"
- This is the final appearance of Fear Sensei in the show.
- Splitting up the team like that really doesn't make any sense from a tactical perspective. You'd think Davis would have learned from the last time.
This Apocalypse Sentai Skyfighter (黙示戦隊スカイファイター) fansite is © 2010 Christine Love, with translations thanks to Ai Kurisu. No infringement on Tofiru Entertainment, Ltd.'s rights intended.