Apocalypse Sentai Skyfighter
"I can't let the Apocalypse Empire destroy this world like they did to my own... Skycomputer! Find me five teenagers with fighting spirit!" --Commander Oji
The Final Battle?
Continued from last episode. Will the Skyfighters manage to stop Apocalie from summoning the unstoppable Lord and Lady Apocalypse?
Commander Oji finishes going over the plan of attack. An argument ensues, with Davis telling him that it's far too risky. Oji snaps, saying that it's his decision to make. Terry asks what the odds of it working are; before Oji can answer, Sam cuts in, saying that it doesn't matter. There's no risk at all: if this doesn't work, they're all dead anyway. Alex solemnly agrees, adding that the important thing is that they believe in each other. With that, Oji yells at them to get moving. Sky Leader, Sky Interceptor, and the Silver Eagle are all flying towards the gate; which is opening slowly, the vortex glowing an unusual hideous red.
Sam and Errol arrive at Apocalie's building together. He comments that he hopes they'll buy enough time; Sam says she's sure of it. They face an army of Fangwings, fighting successfully and gaining ground, but soon more monsters start to show up, lead by Fira! They swear they'll never let the two of them through the door. The two are massively outnumbered, but Errol just nods at Sam, quietly observing: "Just as planned."

Kari and Alex get close.
Meanwhile, Sam and Errol aren't doing too well. Sam says that if they don't get the order to pull back soon, that they should at least do as much damage as they can when they go out. Errol reluctantly agrees. Back in the Sky Bomber, they arrive overhead the shield generator, dropping a massive payload on it. Alex contacts Davis, telling them that they're in. The shields around the gate fall, and the three mechs fly in; with Commander Oji inside one of them! He gets out, laying charges on the gate, and they escape as it blows up.
Errol and Sam's fight pauses, Alex and Kari hold hands, and the other three fly away, all watching triumphantly as the entire gate's complex is destroyed. They've won, they managed to destroy the gate before Apocalie's summoning ritual was completed. But as the smoke clears, their expressions all turn to horror as they realize somehow the glowing red vortex still remains, growing larger, silhouettes starting to become visible inside. Fira laughs; declaring that everything has gone just according to plan!
Terry: "The gate... it's never looked like that before! That doesn't look like Counter-Earth..."
Oji: "It's not Counter-Earth. You're staring into the heart of Apocalypse itself!"
Kari: "I just wonder, deep down, if this isn't disrespectful to his memory. I love you so much, you're just like him... but... I can't help but wonder if he wouldn't be upset, to be so easily replaced."
Alex: "I don't know for sure what he would think. But I know that if I were in his position, and I died, I would be honoured if my memory lived on in someone else. And even more importantly than that... I'd want you to be happy."
Kari: "If you'd approve, then I guess he would too. But can we really make this work? After all this..."
Alex: "I don't know. I'm still so confused myself. But I can promise you one thing... I will give you my all."
[ Kari starts to tear up. She starts to speak, then stops, instead closing her eyes and leaning in to kiss Alex. ]
Sam: "If we don't make it out of this..."
Errol: "Who are you kidding? You know you will, you're Samantha Hart! The toughest Skyfighter around! What's, ugh, overwhelming odds and a losing fight got on you?"
Sam: "Yeah, but if we don't. Are you ready for one last blaze of glory?"
Errol: "Well, sure. But you gotta give me a minute's notice."
[ Sam gets punched against a wall. She winces. ]
Sam: "What do you need a whole minute for?"
Errol: "You know. Finally force myself to admit that you're actually my best friend, tell you how much I've enjoyed your company all this time, that sort of thing."
Sam: "I already know that. It's been a good one, Errol."
Errol: "The best. But I've still got way more fight left in me! ...Oh, hell, I sound like you."
- The camera cuts away right before the kiss, but it's obvious what's going to happen there.
This Apocalypse Sentai Skyfighter (黙示戦隊スカイファイター) fansite is © 2010 Christine Love, with translations thanks to Ai Kurisu. No infringement on Tofiru Entertainment, Ltd.'s rights intended.