Apocalypse Sentai Skyfighter
"I can't let the Apocalypse Empire destroy this world like they did to my own... Skycomputer! Find me five teenagers with fighting spirit!" --Commander Oji
What? A Diversion?!
While the others are sent off to liberate a critical neighbourhood, Errol and Kari are given a seemingly useless assignment.
Oji goes through their briefing, explaining that the Apocalypse Empire has just taken over a nearby Air Force base, and that it is absolutely critical to retake it. After clearing up Errol's brief confusion about their town actually having an Air Force base, he outlines a plan of attack, explaining that Davis, Alex, Sam and Errol will all be working together. Meanwhile, he has another assignment for Kari: she is to go to an electronics store in the east end and pick up a spare part. Confused, she gets ready to take the Sky Bomber, but Oji says that she should just drive down in a car. When she explains that she's too young to drive, he tells Errol to go with her. They both protest, but he assures them that the other three will be able to handle it.
Driving down, both are particularly unhappy. Kari wonders why they're being sent on an errand while the others are on such an important mission, thinking that Oji didn't trust her. Meanwhile, at the Air Force base, the three Skyfighters power up and take on an army of Fangwings-- but they seem to be expecting them! Alex radios back to Oji, telling him that they've been ambushed; he tells them to hold out for as long as possible.
Things are going a lot more quietly for Kari and Errol. They arrive at the electronics store, and go in. It's empty. They look around for the clerk, searching the shelves for the part they need, when a very tall man bundled in a trenchcoat comes out from the backroom asking what they want. But when he refuses to check the backroom for the part, Kari gets suspicious, and ducks into the back. But it's not a stock room... it's some sort of monitoring station! On one of the many screens set up, she sees the Skyfighters trying to fight off two monsters at once, hearing Oji giving them orders over their radios. The storeowner throws off his coat, revealing himself as a monster, and suddenly the two realize why they were sent here: the Apocalypse Empire has been listening in on them! Quickly they transform, and take him out by smashing him through the listening equipment.
Back at the Air Force base, things are looking bad for the Skyfighters: Orange is able to hold her own against one of the monsters, but when the Fangwings distract Blue and Red, the other turns its attention on her. But just as they're almost defeated, Kari arrives in Sky Bomber, offering rope lines for each, while Errol distracts the army with Sky Copter. Alex is upset that they failed, but Kari smiles and tells him that their mission was a complete success: causing a diversion!

An extremely important Air Force base... film set!
Errol: "What? I'm pretty sure, um, we don't have an Air Force base."
Oji: "You better go tell them that, maybe they'll unattack it if they realize it doesn't exist! Since they're already there."
Errol: "Okay, fine, sorry. You don't have to be sarcastic about it."
Kari: "I can't believe it... does he think I'm useless? Why doesn't he trust me?! This is the worst."
Errol: "Lighten up, it could be worse."
Kari: "How?!"
Errol: "Uh, I'm not sure. But I mean, I'm sure there's gotta be a way."
Kari: "Excuse me, sir, we were wondering if you had a... uh, [ Reading. ] samoflange? We couldn't find one anywhere."
Snooper: "What the heck is a samoflange?"
Errol: "Oh, well. That was actually going to be our second question."
Sam: "But why didn't you just save some time and blow it up with Sky Bomber?"
Errol: "Well, you know, they could hear all the radio transmissions, right? So that'd include her activation codes. And you can control it remotely, so you know, that would probably be pretty bad. There you go, Kari, that's how it could have been worse: they could have stolen Sky Bomber."
Kari: "You're right. That would be worse."
Davis: "So when are we going to go back? We still have that Air Force base to retake!"
Oji: "It's not really that important."
Fira: "We heard it was an extreme important tactical target!"
Kime-Ra: "You... are the biggest morons I've ever seen! Who told you that? Do you have any idea where this is?!"
This Apocalypse Sentai Skyfighter (黙示戦隊スカイファイター) fansite is © 2010 Christine Love, with translations thanks to Ai Kurisu. No infringement on Tofiru Entertainment, Ltd.'s rights intended.